VOLUNTEER FORM Please check all your areas of interest Book Room* Culinary/Food Committee Welcome Cart Flower Committee Food Preparation Garden Committee Garland Preparation Hostess Housekeeping Crew Kirtan Member** Building Maintenance Organist* Outreach Committee* Service Day Special Events Audio/Visual* Sunday School Usher Name: E-mail: Contact Number: Best time to contact: * Volunteers for these areas need to be Kriyabans (those who have received Kriya Yoga initiation) ** ‘Kirtan’ is devotional chanting with Indian musical instruments. Are you an SRF Lessons student? Yes No Are you a Kriyaban? Yes No Are you currently serving at the temple? Yes No If so, where? Do you have special skills you would like to share? What area would you enjoy serving in? Thank you for your interest in serving at the SRF Fullerton Temple. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this form. You will be soon contacted by the volunteer coordinator.